Sunday, August 14, 2011

NYX Eyeshadow For Sale

For Sale - NYX Eyeshadows
This are some duplicates from friends. I have all these colors and can show swatch if anyone wants

ALL NEW- $3each plus shipping
1. UP10 Baby pink Pearl
2. UP09 Lime Pearl
3.UP07 Blond Pearl 
04. UP02 White Pearl 
05.UP17 Ocean Pearl 
06.UP13 Purple Pearl 
07. UP11 Baby blue Pearl 
08. UP01 Black Pearl


Monday, August 8, 2011

Haute Look

Kevin Aucoin

Elegant Lip Gloss - Vesuvian
Liquid Lipstick - Dollphine
Radiant Reflection Solid Foundation - Christy
Radiant Reflection Solid Foundation -Yasmeen
OK! I received my first order from HauteLook .com YaY!!
I haven't used any of the items yet, however they all look as describe on the website except for Liquid Lipstick in Dollphine.  This color is a lot darker or better yet, very dark compared to the color swatch shown.
But makeups are non-returnable so I guess I'm going to have to try to use it as best as I can. Will see how it goes~